To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.



Note: This page contains information about GIP program at ANP.


Internship program at the ANP is aimed at introducing real and professional working environments to an intern as a means to better prepare new graduates for their future employment career. For this, the ANP offers a range of opportunities for new graduates starting from understandings on ANP’s functions as regulatory authority in natural resources sector to other corporate related services areas. It is also expected that at the end of internship with the ANP graduates would gain confidence and have better understanding on their future professional career path.

General Principle

The applicants for the programs provided must be a Timor-Leste national. The ANP does not offer employment instead providing opportunities for interns to gain experiences and enhance their skills in a specified field and discipline. Submission of application letters must indicate areas of interest relevant to the ANP’s roles and functions. The applicants shall agree to defend, safe and hold harmless the ANP from and against all claims, demands, liabilities, suits, damages and costs of every kind and nature whatsoever, arising out of or caused by the interns and students during their engagement with ANP. The applicants shall agree to adhere to the ANP corporate policies pertinent to controlling their presence and interactions within the ANP, the use of ANP’s property, working hours, and internship syllabus established within the ANP.

Who Should Apply?

If you are a fresh graduate who got any degree(s) of tertiary educational institution and would like to gain hands on experience related to your field of studies at the ANP, this could be the program for you.


The ANP offers several courses which are categorised into two different groups such as Technical and corporate for GIP. You are required to choose only one of the areas listed below as your interest area to apply. However, each area will be advertised based on the availability of the ANP’s supervisor(s) to assist the course.

>> Technical Group Area
  • Exploration and Development
  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Oil and Gas Commercial
  • Oil and Gas Legal Framework
  • Downstream Quality and Inspection
  • Downstream Project Appraisal and Facility Operation
  • Downstream Health, Safety, and Environment
  • Stakeholders Engagement
  • Local Content Enforcement
>> Corporate Related Group
  • Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)
  • Human Resource and Development (HRD)
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Procurement
  • Corporate Administration
  • Corporate Logistic


The ANP conducts GIP for two different periods within a year with six (6) months for each group. In each period, ANP offers up to thirty (30) interns deployed to various directorates within the ANP.

Corporate and Technical Related Group
Total of Interns
Start Date
End Date
Based on the needs
Based on the needs

Essential Criteria
  1. Timor-Leste National
  2. Tertiary Qualification in one of the offered areas
  3. Minimum 2.5 GPA on all coursework carried graduate credit
  4. Ability to communicate in English (Written and Verbal) prerequisite

Furthermore, you must be:
  1. A graduate and have no work at any other institutions when applying
  2. A committed person to complete the program till end of period
  3. Able to accept terms and conditions of Internship Agreement and Confidentiality Agreement


No compensation will be given for the services rendered under the Internship agreement by the ANP to the Intern.

The ANP shall only reimburse the Intern for transportation expenses from home to the office and from office to the home incurred in the performance of internship agreement in compliance with the internship procedure.


The ANP shall only provide benefit to the intern which covers field trips within the state for business purposes as required by the relevant department/directorate within certain days. The benefit covers accommodation, and meals expenses. The money shall not be provided to the intern and the field trip leader/coordinator who shall keep the money for the expenses purpose.


ANP can only accept your applications by online submission. To learn how to apply online, please click this link:How to apply online?

If you are ready to apply online, please click this link: APPLY ONLINE NOW


Below are the position descriptions of the programs you can download (click on the program to download):

Contact and Help

For more information on the Graduate Internship Program and its application process, please contact:
Human Development Unit
(+670) 730 99995 / 730 99996, Ext: 6018 or 6005
E-mail: or